Marxism, the atheist's religion

- They ask you idolize someone who's dead.
- They wanna you please something in which you don't know exists.
- They ask you to make sacrifices.
- They promise you a paradise.
- They punish you if don't follow their customs.
- They have liars leaders
- Thet have a "perfect" philosophy book full of rules.
- They ask you to ignore the science.
- They believe in miracles.
- They are surrounded by symbols, prayers and oaths.

They looks like christians, but they're communists!

What is agnosticism?

To be agnostic you need first be a nihilist, eliminating the determinist thought of the theism, but you can design a future for yourself or for another person, Nietzsch would call this "Will to Power" (You wanna, you fight, you can or not).

To be agnostic is necessary eliminate all the thought that "Everything is written" and is necessary to be humanist proportionately, regardless to the existence or not of god the man must treating itself like a god. To be agnostic you need to recognize your limits and you cognitions.

By: Luan Carlos

Estado laico: Um pedido de censura

Em termos simplificados, é entendido estado laico o estado que não é governado por uma religião, opõe-se fortemente ao estado teocrático. Para o dicionário Priberam, laico é o que ou quem não pertence ao clero ou não fez votos religiosos.